Ok. Here goes. In 2017, my friend Chad Lindberg wanted me to go on a ghost investigation with him. He had been asking me for a few years to go. I was like 'why would I do that? I'm afraid of ghosts!' its true. I always was afraid (Not knowing I was a Medium of course). I believed in ghost, just had a fear of them. Anyways, I was googling and looking up places he was going to and saw Old South Pittsburgh Hospital, of course I never knew how scary that place was when I picked it!
My friends "The Babs (an awesome fangroup of Chad Lindbergs)", were going also, so it was a plus plus situation. I ended up meeting a friend and we drove from her house to the location. From there we met up with the other girls and had some fun. We took pics in the building, and everything seemed fine the first night. It was odd though, the first night, even though things were 'fine' I felt the tension in that place. I remember walking up to it and saying to Chad, "I don't know about this, I don't know about this." a hundred times to him. He kept saying I'd be fine. Well the first night WAS fine. We had some spirits talk into the box thing, and it was all good. I didn't know what was seriously going on because at the time I didn't know I was a Medium so I kept my mouth shut. The spirits said my name a few times and i was just like 'ummm whats up?"
Then thats when the second night happened. Here goes again lol. I'm taking a drink. Okay, the second night. I think it was raining, and people were saying how that when it rains spirit activity happens more often. I didn't know if this was a thing or not. I was with Ghost Hunts USA (Amazing group of people). They did this saging thing before we went in (Just like the night before). The first few rooms we went in was fine, then there was Jim's room. At first everything was fine, until something happened with the group that made them run from one room to another. I didn't know what happened exactly cause I was with my friend. Anyways, my friend and I were together the whole time which was good, also I had a cold that weekend, nothing contagious I just lost my voice so you can hear that in the video. We go down there and the Medium we were with said "Ok you guys, we are gonna do a circle. together, and the spirit is going to pick a person to be like a pendulum (I think he said something like that).' of course when he was doing this i was like 'not me not me not me.' lol. I didn't want the spirit to pick me. Well they didn't. It was kinda strange because we went around the room and all of a sudden a person acted like they were pushed in the middle or something and they claimed someone did touch them. I was just kinda shocked by this since I never experienced this before. I was glad I wasn't picked!
Then, the Medium (I forget who it was it was a long time ago) started asking spirit questions and thats when the person started rocking back and forth. I was basically like 'what the heck is happening....' to myself. I freaked out. Somehow I spilt a drink, and I was like 'ummm sorry.' so that was a thing. Anyways, after we got that taken care of we asked it more questions. Jim was an okay spirit I thought, but then ANOTHER visiter came downstairs, one from the third floor. This is all from memory so I'm hoping I remember this event exactly as it was (I think I did). All of a sudden (And I was fine by the way, just scared), I started bursting into tears. I didn't know why! I never cry in public, rarely anyways. All of a sudden I couldn't stop crying. It was so strange. I felt a wave of sadness over me. Back up a second, I didn't know what an empath was or that I was one. Okay, continuing. Anyways, okay, so I didn't know I was an Empath, but found that out later. Thats why I was crying. I was picking up all the emotions of that place all at once. I ALSO didn't know I was a Medium at the time. Spirit said my name in the ghostbox a few times that night and I didn't know WHY. Anyways so I was crying. A LOT. My friend tried getting me out she said to the Medium "We have to get Jennifer out of this room, now.' he said no at first cause he didn't want to break the circle. I was shaking, saying Hail Mary's, Our Father's and all sorts of things. I was sobbing. Finally my friend said "Screw this we're getting her out of here." so she tried to get me, and according to her she said my feet were like planted to the floor. It was very strange! I wouldn't move at first. Then finally they got me upstairs, I was still crying and shaking (Chad was not in the room with us by the way he was somewhere else). Anyways, we ran into another friend who did Reiki for me (Another thing i knew nothing about). It helped some but I couldn't stop shaking and crying. I think I even felt sorta sick.
My friend got me outside, and finally I was starting to calm down. My other friends said they wanted to get Chad, I kept saying 'no no don't get him' because I didn't want him to see me like I was, a wreck. Then finally Chad came out and calmed me down some and gave me a big hug, he told me this place was nuts with the energy and stuff, I didn't understand it. I finally calmed down and told him everything that happened, and the other girls too. The. Medium that was with us said that it was the 7 foot man that came down there with our group. For some reason he followed us to the basement to Jim's place and stirred things up. I decided I didn't like the 7 foot man.
After we had a break a long break, we got back to it. I decided I didn't want to stop investigating (Although I was asked). I went to the third floor with Chad and my friend. As a group, Chad asked the spirit things in the ghost box and suddenly he said my name, again. It said JENNIFER into the box! So of course, Chad calls me up to the front of the room and by that time i was just like "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" to the spirits. Cuase it was about the 5th time at least they said my name that night and I was over it. lol. Anyways, nothing happened at that point thankfully. I was saying Our Father's again for sure, there was another Jennifer with me. We were both freaked out. Again, nothing happened at the end of the hall so we sat back down. HOWEVER, after that the 7 foot man, was in the blinking lights (I don't know what that equipment is called), when Chad was talking to him. Suddenly the ENTIRE group. saw this thing bend over near Chad. It was incredible, and we had a group scream I think!
By that point I was like 'Okay ya I'm done peace out!" lol. So ya... That was an interesting night and I wish I had a video of the man standing but I don't. People will have to take my word from it. Chad has a pic of some creature from that place on his instgram somewhere though. So thats my story, Old South Pittsburgh Hospital. I will never return unless its with a GROUP of friends again. I do have some videos to put in here too! After this investigation I found out I was a Medium (I see and speak to spirits). I had NO idea but things have happened my whole life, so thats for another blog post! :)
Psychic Medium
Hi everyone,
My name is Jennifer Valiquette. I decided to start a blog because...if anything this could be for my eyes only, but who knows maybe I'll be brave and share this with family and friends. I really haven't decided yet. It's hard 'fitting in' when you are so different. I have been very different since I was 2 years old. We lived in an old house in New Melford Connecticut. Of course, to me it was an everyday life thing. My parents saw me talking to an 'imaginary' friend on our porch and also inside. They just figured hey she's 2, its a friend. It was a spirit named "Oviette'. not sure what 2 year old would know that ancient name.
Well... according to my parents, stuff happened around the house, like it being ice cold, the windows showing frosty, and they had chimes moving on the INSIDE of the house, and things being moved, ect... my parents realized their house was very haunted. Eventually we moved.
After a while, stuff happened. I ended up closing my gift without realizing it. After a while things happened in the meantime that I couldn't explain.
I used to be a police officer in Ft. Myers Florida, but before that I volunteered with Sanibel police. I was doing midnight-shift with an officer, and we got called to a graveyard. Nothing happened at the graveyard but we went back into the patrol car. When we were driving we heard what we thought was dispatch. Turned out it wasn't. Something came on the radio, then the car got ICE cold, and we had to get out of the car. We screamed, and jumped out and our sergeant said 'whats wrong you look like you've seen a ghost?' we yelled "we did we did!"
Anyways, other stuff happened after that. I used to work at jail in midnight shift as a Sherriff's deputy. I did some clerical work and things like that, so needless to say I always heard creeks and bumps and stuff everywhere.
It wasn't until 5 years ago when I went to Old South Pittsburgh Hospital where I had a major encounter with spirit, and that's a story for another blog. So basically after Old South Pittsburgh hospital I found out I was a Medium. I had no idea, my entire life spirit was always trying to reach out to me and I didn't know. I always had insomnia bad since I was young. I've had someone say to me 'if you go on the ghost hunt you're gifts will open up...' and I thought they were crazy. I feel bad about that now. I was just like 'gifts? What gifts I'm no one special...' well now I do readings and help people. I love it and I just want to help some more.
I started doing Medium readings recently as a side gig. I'm a musician. I do Medium readings only but I am going to eventually do psychic ones. Perhaps anyway. I'm proud of who I've become during all this!!!